2nd Meridian Training

Last Update

27th March 2025

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Autumn / Winter Courses

Essential Navigation and Seamanship (16 hours)

Day Skipper and Watch Leader Theory a minimum of 40 hours course plus 2 Assessment Papers

Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory a minimum of 40 hours course plus 3 Assessment Papers


SRC Marine RADIO (minimum 10 hours)
       Requirement covers computers, software, and radio simulators.

Minimum ratios of equipment to students and max number of students 12. (We prefer 6)

First Aid (minimum 8 hours)

max number of students 12. Resuscitation manikin ratio 1:4.

Every student must have the current edition of St.John/St Andrew/Red Cross First Aid Manual

Radar Course

max number of students 12. Minimum of 1 work station(computer) per 3 students

CEVNI Regulations

Paper based or available as an e-learning course.

 RYA Recognised Training Centres

To obtain recognition a centre must agree to operate according to the guidance notes issued by the RYA. As well as general guidance there are specific conditions applicable to each of the disciplines offered.

We are recognised as being capable of delivering the following courses.